Text notation switcher
Notationer is a tool to switch across (code) notations, like camelCase, PascalCase, snake-case


Upper case

All letters are simply uppercased, no minuscules left.

Also called capitalised, propper case (by Visual Basic) or title case (by Python).

Lower case

All letters are simply lowercased, no capital letters left.

Spaceless upper case

All letters are uppercased, whitespace and puctuation are removed.

Spaceless lower case

All letters are lowercased, whitespace and puctuation are removed.

Camel case

Whitespace and puctuation are removed, words are separated by single capitalized letter while the first letter remains lowercase.

Also called camel capsor more formally medial capitals.

Pascal case

Like Camel case, whitespace and puctuation are removed, words are separated by single capitalized letter but the first letter is uppercase.

Also called upper camel caseor bumpy case.

Kebab case

Whitespace and puctuation are removed, words are separated by hyphens.

Also called spinal case, param case, dash case or Lisp case (in reference to the Lisp programming language), .

Snake case

All chars converted to lowercase, whitespace and puctuation are removed, words are separated by underscores.

Also called pothole case (by Python devs).

Screaming snake case

Like Snake case, but all chars converted to uppercase, whitespace and puctuation are removed, words are separated by underscores.